Well, the good State of North Dakota has rid itself of the accursed Ham Shirvani, another in the string of chancellors that began so many moons ago. One would think that ND would be a rather easy place to manage the university system, given the demographics, i.e., fewer students and colleges, buildings, programs, staff, et al., combined with fairly decent fiscal support, but somehow in this most rural of states, it has become the impossible task. We ask for an overhaul, we get an overhaul. Oops...we really didn't want an overhaul. We just wanted the air pressure in the tires checked...maybe the oil and the antifreeze as well. I predict that having done world-wide searches for the past few chancellors, we'll find the next one, lo, right under our nose...someone who can speak Norsedakota. And that much needed change? What change? We like us just da way we are.
And let us not overlook that much of this circus has been brought to us by North Dakota's open meeting law, bought and paid for by the fine folks who buy ink by the barrel.
And let us not overlook that much of this circus has been brought to us by North Dakota's open meeting law, bought and paid for by the fine folks who buy ink by the barrel.